
Uwamahoro Ernestine & Uwimana Deogratias

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Uwimana Deogratias is curious about the level of education in Rwanda, and he hopes his elder, Uwamahoro Ernestine, can give him more knowledge on the topic. He was concerned with how uneducated the older generation is, so Uwamahoro Ernestine explains how difficult it was to study during her youth. Comparing the days of her youth when it was rare to see anyone pass their education to today when even those with university degrees may not be guaranteed employment, the times have changed immensely. She describes how women of her time could not even hope to receive education, but today women may outnumber men in schools. Uwimana Deogratias even discusses the difference between marriage customs from the old days. Uwamahoro Ernestine confirms the practice of arranged marriages and describes how girls would be given to boys without ever having met them. The youth is intrigued by the truths of the past culture and continues to discover more of what life would have been like had he been born into the previous generation.

“Naturally most people believe in themselves and think what they know is the best; hence, not contacting others for advice. That’s why when someone comes and says that your neighbor hates you, instead of calling him or a friend to help you for reconciliation, you also opt to hate him or her. One head cannot help itself than running mad.” Uwamahoro Ernestine

“You have talked of proverbs, and I have remembered one which says ‘a fool praises himself.’ What does it mean?” Uwimana Deogratias

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SEPTEMBER 2014 - Archival Science 14 (Nos. 3-4, 2014): 275-306. Available here


OCTOBER 2014 - Founder and Director Patricia Pasick, Ph.D. has been honored as a 2014 Purpose Prize Fellow which recognizes “outstanding social innovators over aged 60 who are working to change the world by finding solutions to challenging social problems.“

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